爱登侯爵干红葡萄酒 葡萄园地域范围:德杉,科尔比山脚;马胡珊,比特华高原;比雪利,密内瓦山脚。 Selected in Languedoc the wineries of?:- Thézan, foothills of Corbières.- Maraussan, plateau of Biterrois.- Puicheric, foothills of Minervois. 葡萄品种:佳利酿、西拉、赤霞珠、歌海娜 Grape:Carignan, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache 酿造技术:区域选择,按葡萄成熟度依次计划收割。夜间采摘,浸渍低温发酵。 Vinification:Parcel ion. Harvest is planned after tasting of the grapes on the plant. Night picking. Skin maceration and low temperature fermentation. 颜色:石榴红带橙色 Colour:Garnet red colour with a few orange reflections. 气味:强烈的红色水果香味,带甘草及香料气味。 Nose:Strong and aromatic nose of red fruits, spices and liquorice. 口感:口感平衡顺畅,丹宁柔滑。 Mouth: The palate is pleasant with a generous attack and silky tannins. 食物搭配:菲力牛排及羊乳干酪。 Advices: To be enjoyed with a beef fillet and a Roquefort sauce. 饮用温度:室温16摄氏度为佳。最佳饮用期在2-3年内。 Server: Serve at room temperature of 16°C. Can be laid down for 2 to 3 years.