产品名称:西堡法国拉图庄园1999公司名称:外商独资somso西堡红酒有限公司类别:酒类 葡萄酒品牌:SOMSO原产地:法国规格:SOMSO价格:Châ;teau Latour 1999拉图庄园Vintage(年份):1999年Volume(容量):750MLClassification(等级):AOCAlcohol percentage(酒精度):13% v/vAppellation(地理位置):PauillacChateau Classificatiom(级别):一级名庄Grapes Varieties(葡萄品种):Cabernet Sauvignon 80%, Merlot (18%), Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot (together 2%).Vineyard area(葡萄园面积):62公顷Average vine age(平均树龄):30-40年Production(产量):132000瓶The second wine(副牌酒):Les Forts de Latour(拉图堡)Taste notes(品尝记录):拉图堡一般至少需要10到15年才会成熟。成熟后的拉图堡有极丰富的层次感,酒体丰满而细腻。正如一位著名的品酒家所形容的,拉图堡就犹如低沉雄厚的男低音,醇厚而不刺激,优美而富于内涵,是月光穿过层层夜幕洒落一片银色。Tasted by Mrbuzz on 7/27/2009 & rated 96 points: TN: Burgundy vs. U.S Pinot Noir blind tasting....plus a dozen others!!! (Buzzini House): Edsons blind....I thought Pauillac, maybe Pontet Canet 03? Friggin AMAZING! So plush yet firm with dusty graphite tannin, dark blackberry, currants, cherry fruit....leather, dry French oak spice, deep deep floral spice, creamy vanilla, smoke. I held this is my glass as long as possible. Wish I could drink this everyday! And to think how a great Vintage would be like.......truly amazing stuff!The history of chateau(酒庄历史):位于法国波尔多(Bordeaux)梅多克(Medoc)波依亚克(Pauillac)的拉图堡(Chateau Latour)是一个早在14世纪的文献中就已提到的古老庄园。但当时它还不是酒庄,16世纪时才开垦成为葡萄园。在1855年已被评为法国五大列级名庄之一,其中倍受红酒爱好者们追捧的产品便是Ch. Latour——拉图堡。 这座古老的酒园在1670年被法国路易十四的私人秘书戴•;夏凡尼(dE Chanannes)买下。以后一直在法国贵族之间转手。但在1963年,当时掌握拉图堡的三大家族中的Beaumonthe和Cortivron因为不愿每年将红利分给68位股东,竟把酒园79%的股份卖给了英国的波森与哈维(Pearson and Haarveys of Bristol)两个集团!消息传来,举国震惊。不少法国人视其与卖国行为无异!1989年已成为哈维集团东主的里昂联合集团(Alliance Lyonnais)以近2亿美元的天价把在波森集团手中的股份购回:每公顷单价为14,000,000法郎,换算到每株葡萄树即值1800法郎,堪称全球最昂贵的酒园!1993年,法国百货业巨子——春天百货公司(Printemps)的老板Francois Pinault以720,000,000法郎购下拉图堡的主控权。 Although viticulture did not come to dominate the landscape of the Médoc until the early 18th Century, once the Dutch engineers had drained the marshland and exposed the gently rolling hills of gravel so suited to the vine, that does not mean there is no history here before that time. Chateau Latour is a prime example, as although the extensive vineyards were not fully established until about 1670, the history of the estate itself dates back to at least the 14th Century. |