产品名称:西堡法国金玫瑰庄园红葡萄酒公司名称:外商独资somso西堡红酒有限公司类别:酒类 葡萄酒品牌:SOMSO原产地:法国规格:SOMSO价格:Châ;teau Gruaud Larose 1982金玫瑰庄园红葡萄酒Vintage(年份):1982年Volume(容量):750MLClassification(等级):AOCAlcohol percentage(酒精度):12.5% v/vAppellation(地理位置):法国波尔多,圣朱瑞安法定产区(St. Julien, Bordeax) Chateau Classificatiom(级别):1855年波尔多列级名庄第三级Grapes Varieties(葡萄品种):57%Carbernet Saurignon, 30%Merlot, 8%Carbernet Franc, 3%Petit verdot, 2%Malbec Vineyard area(葡萄园面积):82公顷Average vine age(平均树龄):45年Production(产量):50万瓶(包括副牌酒)The second wine(副牌酒):Sarget de Gruaud-LaroseTaste notes(品尝记录):中度酒体干红葡萄酒,富有李子,香草和干蜜枣气味,丹宁柔和,黑醋栗,烤橡木,黑菌和雪茄盒特性,酒体圆润,口感充满浓郁的黑皮果实味道,果味持续,余韵悠长。Tasted by hcampana on 6/19/2009 & rated 96 points: What a beauty of a wine! This is quintessential great aged Bordeaux personified. The nose is just amazing. Full of dry cassis, cedar, pencil shavings and minerals, this is just a joy to smell. The palate is even more impressive. Full bodied, dense, concentrated, but retaining elegance and never coming across as un polished or brutish. Flavors are intense and layered and the finish is long and cedary. It doesnt get much better than this.The history of chateau(酒庄历史):1855年分级为二级酒庄的Chateau Gruaud Larose位于波尔多左岸Saint Julien, 城堡建筑于1725年便建立, 而1791年时才正式有了Gruaud Larose这个名字, 几百年来因财产继承以及买卖等过程, 城堡所有权分分合合, 1917年Cordier家族先买下当时一分为二的Chateau Gruaud Larose其中一半的所有权-Gruaud Larose Sarget, 并于1935买下令一半Gruaud Larose Bethmann, 直到此时Chateau Gruaud Larose终于结束百多年来的分裂, 在Cordier家族的致力经营之下, 也出现了极为精采的1961年份, 以及1962, 1966, 1970年等佳酿. 1970年开始酒庄引进新的技术团队, 由技术总监Georges Pauli领军, 1983年Suez集团入主, 1993年又转手到Alcatel Alsthom集团旗下, 引进计算机管理以及许多新科技, 并扩大厂房及更新酒窖设备, 使Chateau Gruaud Larose更为现代化, 1997年Merlaut家族入主, 现今庄主为Jean Merlaut, 1970年代开始虽然酒庄数度易主, 但仍由Georges Pauli执掌的技术团队负责酿酒.Chateau Gruaud-Larose can lay claim to a remarkably rich heritage despite its troubled and often impassioned past. It has consistently produced a wine of exceptional quality that has been acknowledged all over the world since 1742.The technical team is keen to maintain a subtle balance between working the vineyard whilst fully respecting the environment and the development of the wine based on the harmonious blending of traditions and modernity.Gruaud-Larose stands out its obvious concern to produce a wine of excellence as naturally as possible. The team plans to obtain the ISO 14 000 certification, which would consecrate the efforts of the last decade. |